4. You already mentioned the good team atmosphere and the interesting material – what other reasons are there for you feeling so good at Berghof Fluoroplastics?
Another important reason is the variety of tasks: We are continuously developing new, innovative material solutions for many different branches here – and are constantly facing new challenges with different technical parameters and fields of application for our products. My work here therefore covers many more aspects than are usual for a development engineer in many other companies. And that is exactly what appeals to me. So, I’m not only involved in classic development activities such as the development of new material solutions or working out and optimising production processes. I’m often needed in project management – both internally, for example, in the planning and construction of plants for prototype or series production or the technical and mechanical integration of test or production plants and externally, for example, in the technical support of our sales force or in direct communication with our customers to clarify technical requirements or the feasibility of an idea quickly and directly. I always work in close cooperation with my colleagues and colleagues from adjacent departments and our Development Manager Dr. Michael Henes, whereby he, as a Doctor of Chemistry and I, as a process technician and engineer, complement each other ideally with our know-how to achieve the best possible implementation of our customers’ ideas and needs. Good planning and a structured approach are absolute prerequisites for optimum results and thus a sustainable development and project success. We pay attention to every little detail and always think process and requirement consciously. Because, like all of the responsible people here at Berghof Fluoroplastics, we see ourselves as open and honest partners for our customers and want to achieve valuable market advantages for them with our solutions.
5. Most people who work frequently with processes and structures professionally are often also big fans of exact planning and clear order in their private lives. Does that apply to you too?
Yes, I am much like that – whereby, a clear order with two small boys in the house is often more of a wish than a reality. But what I definitely do always insist on is: Before we make a major purchase or begin an important new project, I think things over intensively beforehand and weigh up all the important issues exactly. I want to be absolutely sure that I make the right decision under the circumstances and do not overlook any, in my opinion, important details which would annoy me later – and that is certainly something in which the development engineer and the private person are similar. Analyse in detail, weigh up, do not draw hasty conclusions – or as the saying goes „strength lies in staying calm”.
6. Speaking of“strength lies in staying calm”: Where do you find this calmness in your spare time – with two boisterous little boys at home, rest must be a scarce commodity?
That’s true of course but whether playing noisily or quietly reading books – my family is my most important balance with my work. Where I really find relaxation is sport, preferably on my mountain bike. I also ride it to work in almost all weathers. According to the motto “minimum effort, maximum pleasures”, I integrate one of the wonderful hills lying directly in the Eningen region into my way home from work whenever possible– and this completely clears my mind for our lads. Because, here again, I always say “when I do something, I do it right.”